Dearest blog reader,
Cerebro's getting brain bumps at the moment. You know..... Brain bumps. Like he's getting some sort of allergy due to anxiety. The reason behind that is rather personal. Seriously. It's not related to school or my friends or any crap for that matter. Let's just skip that. Erase. Erase.
Anyway, today's better than the rest of the week. I mean..... Since we had that colossal seat plan rotation, today is definitely the thawing of something that has been frozen for months, if you know what I mean. Ellebor the Terrible will probably decipher that. Oh boo you. So ayun...... Quite happy with my literal position in class. There are three nerds around me. One at my immediate front, left and back. They provide great help when it comes to ole', mind-eating AA. And did I mention I asked the *good, ole'* President of the Roman Republic to put me beside such amazing people? Gahahahaha. Niwey.
I had fun teasing 3xii about her past a while ago. I also unearthed something that is indeed supposed to be kept confidential, hidden from public prying. All that crap are figurative, of course. I'm not some archaeologist. :P So yeah..... I managed to return 2nd year 3xii's talkative mouth to her physical 3rd year form......somehow; temporarily, at least. Gahahaha. T'was fun. :P Just fun. And, BTW, Happy Birthday ex-President Wilbur! Gahahaha. Thanks sa pud. Okay naman. We had this peppero ceremony. Mr. President asked us to hold one piece of peppero (the chocolate-coated thingy) and do some kind of ceremony when Wilbur enters. Well...... It took some time for Wilbur to climb all the way to our room. Alyssa and I were tempted to take a bite out of it. It felt like some sort of marshmallow test. Gahahahhaa. Oh no. We bit it. ;)
So yeah...... T'was fun. Family is also fun. Friends are fun. Nerdy seatmates are good. Nosy Ellebor is excited and annoyed due to the ingenius seat plan. :P
-suezo94, 11th generation Roman emperor-