Monday, September 28, 2009



We feel your fury but....

Have we really been THAT bad?
Starting September 26, 2009, Tropical Typhoon Ketsana (locally Ondoy) started pouring its anger over Luzon. I really thought it was just your typical, Pacific storm but I had an inkling that that one was worse since it had been raining for five hours already. I felt a sting of its fury when my classmate told me that their relatives living in Marikina were already on the second floor of their house: their furniture and appliances soaked underwater, their two cars flowing like boats out of control. Geez.
I read in the Internet that that flood was, by far, THE worst flooding in any Filipino's living memory. Anyway, I just remembered writing this essay about nature. Of course, it wasn't unlikely for me NOT to reminisce the thing I wrote about nature striking back. The thought just struck Cerebro. Have we, Filipinos, been THAT bad towards nature? Honestly, lots of people have been wondering whether that moment was the apocalypse or something like that. Well, I can feel their pain. Imagine: being stuck on your roof amidst all that muddy, mosquito-infested water and you're plunged in darkness. You'd be considered fortunate if you had someone by your side while stuck on your roof. I mean.... What about those people stuck by themselves? Wouldn't they feel alone and feel that hopeless despair? Geez. What they did is hard, indeed.
Anyway, by four o'clock Saturday, my classmate (yes, the same one at that) sent another text message stating that their relatives were already on the third floor of their neighbor's house. I was like "Third floor?! Is that even possible?!" but it came to me that their place IS Marikina and it IS near a river. So..... Heck. I'm plainly stunned with this situation.
Yesterday, I learned from my mom that my dad's aunt (therefore my grandmother) and her family were in a hotel. Of course, your first reaction'll be "Hotel?! At a time like this?!". Yeah. Well, I learned that they evacuated because the aggressive water had already breached their gates. So yeah..... Nice thinking, yo.
I just watched news a while ago. (Yay cable.) I saw these military people and the Red Cross people doing their job. I guess it is during times like these that we can see the true colors of those who really care for the welfare of this nation. The fact that the government did something good made me smile a bit. And the fact that the opposition disappeared from public view just made me curse their speeches. I came to a conclusion that these damned, disappearing people should be tied to ant-infested trees. The heck. They have seemingly good speeches and hypocritical campaigns during the campaign period. Well, where are these people when you need their help? Tch.
Anyway, I also received a link connected to websites containing pictures of our flooded school. When my classmates told me (over the ym) that the second floor of the Preschool building was flooded, I honestly concluded that they were overreacting and exaggerating...... Then I saw this picture. Heck, our field was flooded! And by flooded, I mean flooded! But I think it's just a few inches up, though. I still can't believe the fact that field covered with grass and trees can be turned to a five-inch deep lake. Geez.
Wow. Dearest nature, I know how we've been cruel to you for the past decades and I feel your fury now. You returned to us what we recklessly gave you: filth. Now that I've literally witnessed garbage flowing from the mountains and I've seen what you've done, I just hope that this incident will serve as an effective warning for the world: that nature doubles the force of its retaliation. Well, we can't undo anything now. Let's just pray for the victims. And by pray, not just clasping our hands together and saying a few empty words. Let's pray and give those words we utter a bit (or a lot) of concentration. I hope you participate in the 10 o'clock prayer that was organized a while ago. Let's just change for the b
La Famiglia Augustiniana