The outbound. It's a better term for "field trip". Gahahaha. So yeah. I'm writing this now because I was too exhausted to write yesternight. In fact, I was so exhausted that I left my laptop turned on while lying in bed. Good thing I didn't push it off the floor or else I would've been quiet right now.
So about the Outbound..... We went to Morong, Rizal. Gahahha. It was so freakin' fun and far more interactive than the past years' boring field trips. First stop: school. Duh. You can't have the outbound without going to school first. Okay, that was a "just kidding" joke. If you know what I mean. :P. I woke up at around 3:00 AM due to the intense excitement and nervousness. Gahahaha. So yeah. I arrived at school at about 5:30 AM. I sat with Roda(bel) who happened to be quite hyperactive during that time. Our katapats were two of our classmates (duh) who happened to be sisters. Anyway, we had a stopover somewhere near Bicutan. I just used the restroom. Gahahaha. Okay, so I didn't need to share that fact. Anyway, while traveling, Kuya Robi and Ate Rhose (with the H) continued the usual tour guide blabbering. Okay, we can be mean towards "just kidding" jokes but we laughed anyway. Gahahaha. So the real first stop: the Cave. I can't remember the precise name of the cave but as far as my Hyper Intuitoin can reach, its name is Calinawan Cave. Gahahaha. Just a Hyper Guess. So..... I expected that the cave'll be clean. Like clean as in dry. Therefore, I was completely disappointed the moment I observed that the environment was icky, dirty, muddy and too damn annoyingly slippery. Haha. BTW, this cave is often used as a venue for television soaps and, heck, we even witnessed a shooting for the GMA soap "Darna" starring Marian Rivera. Darn. I didn't see her but my classmates said she was there so I just went with the flow. :P So..... About the cave..... It was too damn slippery and too damn dark! We had difficulty in going down because Cerebro says that one false move can send me to a hospital ward. Anyhoo, I assisted one of my friends, M. Gahahaha. I left 3xa be due to a reason and one reason only: Mr. Yap was already there so no need to bother. I'm not bitter about it, FYI. :P Anyway, Kuya Robi, one of the tour guides, told us to go left (my other classmates went right) 'cause it was the shortcut so we immediately followed. I thought that he really meant short when he said "shortcut" but no...... It was still freakin' tiring and digested around 40% of our TOTAL energy. It was wet. It was slippery. It was annoying. And it was disturbing. But fun. :P So yeah.... There was this part wherein the road was filled with muddy water and Kuya Robi told us that we are indeed required to step on it if we still wanna see the sun. Geeez. We were like "are you serious?!" and "magkakatubig yung socks namin!". So yeah..... The ten-degree Celsius muddy water entered the holes of my shoes and flooded its inside. Geeez. Eventually, we got out and managed to shout out happy words. Sure, our colorful shoes adapted the dull color of brown but, at least, our lungs managed to receive the full freshness of oxygen again. Yay. Next, we trekked another kilometer to reach Daranak Falls. We had this warm-up first. What made me laugh during that part is that my classmate, Yap, said "Warm up?! Hindi pa ba warm up ung paglalakad sa kweba?!". Come to think of it. He IS right. Gahahahaha. So we had our little warm-up and this "Repeat after me" chant. I have to admit they were a bit green.
So.... Um..... Yeah. The falls. Daranak Falls is an incredible work of nature. A few of my classmates can't understand why the water seems to be brown, though. They considered not to dive in because of the murky, muddy water. Like hello? It's not a pool. The current is expected to lift up the soil beneath, thereby producing brown-ish water. I'm 99% sure that it's crystal clear if it weren't for the soil. Gahahahahaha. I try not to be so scientific about stuff but.... Bleaugh! Anyway..... We discovered that the buses were already waiting for us to occupy and take our lunches in them. We thought that they can't go to that area because there were no decent roads! So yeah.... You can imagine. We were like "wth?!" and "Nu ba yan?! Pinag-exercise pa kami ng isang kilometro!". Damn. At least what we did is healthy...... and muddy. So yeah.... We all rushed to eat our lunches because we were so damn excited to let our skin feel the ten-degrees Celsius coldness of the water. And there we went. What exhausted me is this waterslide-like path. Of course, as expected, it was also slippery. I had to thank those bamboo poles that served as handles. So yeah..... Our section (BTW, we renamed it Clareless Whisper) was the first one to reach the site. Yay! It was really cold! It reminds me of Dulangan Falls in Oriental Mindoro...... though I still think that the water in Mindoro's colder. Gahahahaha. I was kinda pissed off because we just stayed there for around 30-45 minutes. I thought we were gonna stay there for 1.5 to 2 hours. So yeah..... I was pissed. Next..... We went back to the bus. Again, I tagged along with one of my friends. We had some sort of buddy system. And 3xa went with her bf. Boy oh boy. I hope she doesn't read this. So we went back to the bus nga to change our clothes. The girls went in first. It took them forever to change. Hyperbole much. Okay. Then we went in. We changed. Kinda hard due to the limited space. At least it was still a success.
Next stop: Home of the Jungle Fighters aka Camp Mateo Capinpin, Home of the Second Infantry Division of the Philippine Army. Okay, the complete title was required. There were soldiers. They had this short film viewing on what a typical soldier does throughout the day. So yeah..... After that, one of the high-ranking soldiers taught us how to survive in the wild by just using bamboo. Next, there was this obstacle course. I didn't bother to go through the tunnel tube thing. I'm tired of dirt. Anyway, the soldiers demonstrated how the other obstacle courses are to be done because no one else volunteered to participate. Probably they also didn't want to get dirty again or they don't wanna risk bones. Anywaaaay, I'm not some first-class kill joy. My classmates and I went to this water-crossing, rope-dependent obstacle course. I chose the three-rope version because the two-rope version was too.....ummm....Well, I think it was beyond my physical capabilities. Gahahahaha. So yeah..... I deliberately made the rope rock so it'd be a bit challenging. Gahahahaha. So yeah..... We thanked the soldiers for assisting us throughout the camp.
After that, we were en route to CSA - Binan. Awwwww...... Gahahaahaha. I felt dizzy for a moment then I slept. When I woke up, I realized that we were already at the stop-over and my classmates started getting off the bus. I decided to stay. Heck, I'm exhausted! Geeez. And to think that my most-expected part of the outbound was the stopover. Ironic. So yeah...... T'was fun. We all thanked our tour guides and Mr. Pilot. Gahaahahaha. Satisfied and exhausted. Oxymoronic yet agreeable.
Let's thank God for protecting us......and letting us have fun! Yay! :P
Let's all conclude that Outbounds are better than just plain fieldtrips, okay? Okay!
haha bkit nmn rodabel pa,,
ReplyDeleteroda nlng kc...anyway, grbe ang sya ng outbound ntn..sbra aqng npgod at ngenjoy hahaha