Saturday, September 5, 2009

Brings back memories.....

Dearest blog reader,

So I reviewed the "Sent" folder in my Friendster account and I saw this script which I made two years ago: the drunk-driving script for MAPEH. Now that I've gone through it, my first year-rate jokes now seem to be corny.....for me, at least. Geeez. I wish my laptop hadn't been reformatted so I can still review the past scripts I made.....if they really are getting old or they just aren't serious and funny enough. Okay, that was oxymoronic but it's true. When you want things to be lively, it should make people smile but still get the message. Gahahahaha. I'm losing my touch these days. The recent scripts I made often screw us up these days. Maybe I shouldn't rush in making them? ......The same goes for my news articles and essays...... Hmmm. Reminisce. Reminisce. That's history's essence. Geeez.

That paragraph certainly possesses a jump of topics but, hey, they're all true, hey!

-suezo94 the Great-


Comment lest you want to perish. The Varia is under my absolute command.

1 comment:

  1. "COMMENT" hehe xD i wonder if i can read through your scripts? :)
