Monday, September 28, 2009



We feel your fury but....

Have we really been THAT bad?
Starting September 26, 2009, Tropical Typhoon Ketsana (locally Ondoy) started pouring its anger over Luzon. I really thought it was just your typical, Pacific storm but I had an inkling that that one was worse since it had been raining for five hours already. I felt a sting of its fury when my classmate told me that their relatives living in Marikina were already on the second floor of their house: their furniture and appliances soaked underwater, their two cars flowing like boats out of control. Geez.
I read in the Internet that that flood was, by far, THE worst flooding in any Filipino's living memory. Anyway, I just remembered writing this essay about nature. Of course, it wasn't unlikely for me NOT to reminisce the thing I wrote about nature striking back. The thought just struck Cerebro. Have we, Filipinos, been THAT bad towards nature? Honestly, lots of people have been wondering whether that moment was the apocalypse or something like that. Well, I can feel their pain. Imagine: being stuck on your roof amidst all that muddy, mosquito-infested water and you're plunged in darkness. You'd be considered fortunate if you had someone by your side while stuck on your roof. I mean.... What about those people stuck by themselves? Wouldn't they feel alone and feel that hopeless despair? Geez. What they did is hard, indeed.
Anyway, by four o'clock Saturday, my classmate (yes, the same one at that) sent another text message stating that their relatives were already on the third floor of their neighbor's house. I was like "Third floor?! Is that even possible?!" but it came to me that their place IS Marikina and it IS near a river. So..... Heck. I'm plainly stunned with this situation.
Yesterday, I learned from my mom that my dad's aunt (therefore my grandmother) and her family were in a hotel. Of course, your first reaction'll be "Hotel?! At a time like this?!". Yeah. Well, I learned that they evacuated because the aggressive water had already breached their gates. So yeah..... Nice thinking, yo.
I just watched news a while ago. (Yay cable.) I saw these military people and the Red Cross people doing their job. I guess it is during times like these that we can see the true colors of those who really care for the welfare of this nation. The fact that the government did something good made me smile a bit. And the fact that the opposition disappeared from public view just made me curse their speeches. I came to a conclusion that these damned, disappearing people should be tied to ant-infested trees. The heck. They have seemingly good speeches and hypocritical campaigns during the campaign period. Well, where are these people when you need their help? Tch.
Anyway, I also received a link connected to websites containing pictures of our flooded school. When my classmates told me (over the ym) that the second floor of the Preschool building was flooded, I honestly concluded that they were overreacting and exaggerating...... Then I saw this picture. Heck, our field was flooded! And by flooded, I mean flooded! But I think it's just a few inches up, though. I still can't believe the fact that field covered with grass and trees can be turned to a five-inch deep lake. Geez.
Wow. Dearest nature, I know how we've been cruel to you for the past decades and I feel your fury now. You returned to us what we recklessly gave you: filth. Now that I've literally witnessed garbage flowing from the mountains and I've seen what you've done, I just hope that this incident will serve as an effective warning for the world: that nature doubles the force of its retaliation. Well, we can't undo anything now. Let's just pray for the victims. And by pray, not just clasping our hands together and saying a few empty words. Let's pray and give those words we utter a bit (or a lot) of concentration. I hope you participate in the 10 o'clock prayer that was organized a while ago. Let's just change for the b
La Famiglia Augustiniana

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Do you have an H in your name?

Dearest blog reader,

I just finished watching this Pinoy movie. It's rather cheesy if you ask me. Anyway, one of the characters was named "Dhonabelle" (pronounced as du-ho-na-bel). They kept on repeating the name. It made me laugh and wonder why Filipinos insert unnecessary H's in their child's name. Other examples are Rhoda, Jhun, Heddha and Mhike.

I mean "what the heck is the point?", right? It's silent, anyway. It's not like the pronunciation will be any different if you add an H. It's not like repertoire which is read as "re-puh-twah".

Okay, so I don't have any legal right to butt into how their names are spelled (btw, grammar nazi. it's spelled. not spelt. i checked. :)) ) but.....I just don't see the point. It just makes your name sound funnier. "du-ho-na-bel, ru-ho-da, ma-hayk, hed-ha".

Sheesh. What if it had a lot of H's and you'd turn blue just trying to pronounce their name?

-suehzo 94-


See? It's hard. "su-hu-weh-zo nayn-tee-for".

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I miss.....

my IP group when we were in first year. I'm being nostalgic again. Tsktsk. Honestly, in my three years in High School, I like that IP group the most. Gahahahaaha. And it's definitely not because I'm in control of my classmates' grades :P. It's because.....dunno.... That was the only time I actually experienced working as a group. *Our second year IP was more of a I-do-it-then-tell-the-others-that-we-did-it-to-get-a-good-grade kind of project* Not nice. Sure, our grade during our second year in High School was better than the one during our first year but..... First year is so much fun. Cerebro still has a photographic memory of almost every moment of it in his cerebral compartment. Gahahahahaha. Btw, it included the following people: the great writer of this blog, Trishii, Rodabel, Paul, Moises, Thea, Raymark and Sarah. Ohoho. Good times.... Good times.....

I remember this instance wherein we tried to materialize our IP plans but we ended up playing at Timezone. Heck. :)) It was worth the low grade. ;) I'm quite hoping that we can do that again. Just us. Us. Group 2, Integrated Science, First Year Blessed John the Good, Academic Year 2007-2008. Oh geez. I miss you people! Okay, don't rub it in.

-suezo94 the Great-

Less mind sharing......

Dearest blog reader,

My most annoying classmate, henceforth known as Ow-Pee, bothers me once more. Btw, Ow-Pee is a girl, a nosy one at that. Tsktsk. Ow-Pee is so bitter at school because she's not much of a socialite, indifferent from the class. Sheesh. No wonder she'd babble so loudly every time she gets an opportunity to talk and interrogate us about unimportant things. Big crap that one. Recently, Ow-Pee has been interrogating me about a rather unimportant topic. Hmmm. I guess she thinks that trash subject is what captivates my attention. Well, NO. Not really. Pity sometimes strikes me and moves my feet and mouth to go talk to unsociable people. Well, her case is, well, "over". Just to laugh at my mistakes, she'd go over to my seat and ask me something about Algebra (or any other subject) then she'd quickly switch the topic and start laughing retardedly. Heck, I don't even care. What bothers me is that noise and that unhygienic..... Urgh. Never mind. Geeeez.

Well, as of now I'm still studying the art of repelling negatives. According to the Law of Magnetism (not official), negatives and negatives repel. Hmmm. I should probably switch to my negative side every time her aura draws near. Shoot. Ow-Pee is, well, OP. She's the total female counterpart of another annoying member in class. Tsktsk.

-suezo94 the annoyed-


I don't really intend to be THAT mean but, hey, you are so trespassing.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Dearest blog reader,
Cerebro's getting brain bumps at the moment. You know..... Brain bumps. Like he's getting some sort of allergy due to anxiety. The reason behind that is rather personal. Seriously. It's not related to school or my friends or any crap for that matter. Let's just skip that. Erase. Erase.
Anyway, today's better than the rest of the week. I mean..... Since we had that colossal seat plan rotation, today is definitely the thawing of something that has been frozen for months, if you know what I mean. Ellebor the Terrible will probably decipher that. Oh boo you. So ayun...... Quite happy with my literal position in class. There are three nerds around me. One at my immediate front, left and back. They provide great help when it comes to ole', mind-eating AA. And did I mention I asked the *good, ole'* President of the Roman Republic to put me beside such amazing people? Gahahahaha. Niwey.
I had fun teasing 3xii about her past a while ago. I also unearthed something that is indeed supposed to be kept confidential, hidden from public prying. All that crap are figurative, of course. I'm not some archaeologist. :P So yeah..... I managed to return 2nd year 3xii's talkative mouth to her physical 3rd year form......somehow; temporarily, at least. Gahahaha. T'was fun. :P Just fun. And, BTW, Happy Birthday ex-President Wilbur! Gahahaha. Thanks sa pud. Okay naman. We had this peppero ceremony. Mr. President asked us to hold one piece of peppero (the chocolate-coated thingy) and do some kind of ceremony when Wilbur enters. Well...... It took some time for Wilbur to climb all the way to our room. Alyssa and I were tempted to take a bite out of it. It felt like some sort of marshmallow test. Gahahahhaa. Oh no. We bit it. ;)
So yeah...... T'was fun. Family is also fun. Friends are fun. Nerdy seatmates are good. Nosy Ellebor is excited and annoyed due to the ingenius seat plan. :P
-suezo94, 11th generation Roman emperor-

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ripped off.

Okay, so I was disappointed when I found out that one photocopy on acetate already costs twenty four pesos. I know it seems small but, heck, would you pay twenty four pesos for one photocopy? Rip off! Psh. Those people at this Regina Coeli bookstore thing are two rip-offs. And er, I almost forgot this guy (?) at this computer shop called T&T. I paid for half an hour (which is ten pesosES) but I only used their damned internet crap for around eight minutes. Hell! Another rip off! Sheesh. And to think that my classmate thankfully told in her prayer that no one in our classroom's being affected by that damned recession. Geeeez. I am paranoid over recessions.

Hellcrap. My mind's all-flushed. I had to make this Filipino essay about nature four hours ago. And to think the part I'm looking forward to in my typical day is when I pass through the quartkilometer-long corridor with my friend(s). Oh crap. I'm still hating Advanced Algebra and I think nothing can change that. It always knocks out a neuron or two from my brain. Oh poor Cerebro, disintegrated every time AA or heavy Chem approaches. Tsktsk.

Mmmmm...... Niwey. I'm sorta pissed off that I can't take the Wednesday monthly tests next week. That would mean my classmates will have been celebrating while I kill my head trying to stuff data in. Crap. Sighs. I guess you have to exert a lot of effort if you want decent grades.

Niwey. It's not all about being pissed off. I enjoyed English class a while ago. The entire class was exchanging sarcastic sentences (we were discussing perfect tenses). Raymarticus' (the reigning nerd) example was "By the time I graduate Grade School, Trisha will have born twelve children". Gahahahaha. Well, 3xa was my seatmate and asked me to make a countersentence. So yeah. I ended up reciting "Hopefully, after ten years or so, Raymart's skin will have decreased its melanin count". Thank you clapping ovation! Gahahahahaha.

Gahahahahahaha. I'm jaunty that everything's rather okay. And I'm even jauntier about Mr. President's ingenius seat plan. I think he's (or she's) in for a reelection next year. Yay Mr. Syd Green!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Brings back memories.....

Dearest blog reader,

So I reviewed the "Sent" folder in my Friendster account and I saw this script which I made two years ago: the drunk-driving script for MAPEH. Now that I've gone through it, my first year-rate jokes now seem to be corny.....for me, at least. Geeez. I wish my laptop hadn't been reformatted so I can still review the past scripts I made.....if they really are getting old or they just aren't serious and funny enough. Okay, that was oxymoronic but it's true. When you want things to be lively, it should make people smile but still get the message. Gahahahaha. I'm losing my touch these days. The recent scripts I made often screw us up these days. Maybe I shouldn't rush in making them? ......The same goes for my news articles and essays...... Hmmm. Reminisce. Reminisce. That's history's essence. Geeez.

That paragraph certainly possesses a jump of topics but, hey, they're all true, hey!

-suezo94 the Great-


Comment lest you want to perish. The Varia is under my absolute command.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Read if you wanna know something about.....

The outbound. It's a better term for "field trip". Gahahaha. So yeah. I'm writing this now because I was too exhausted to write yesternight. In fact, I was so exhausted that I left my laptop turned on while lying in bed. Good thing I didn't push it off the floor or else I would've been quiet right now.

So about the Outbound..... We went to Morong, Rizal. Gahahha. It was so freakin' fun and far more interactive than the past years' boring field trips. First stop: school. Duh. You can't have the outbound without going to school first. Okay, that was a "just kidding" joke. If you know what I mean. :P. I woke up at around 3:00 AM due to the intense excitement and nervousness. Gahahaha. So yeah. I arrived at school at about 5:30 AM. I sat with Roda(bel) who happened to be quite hyperactive during that time. Our katapats were two of our classmates (duh) who happened to be sisters. Anyway, we had a stopover somewhere near Bicutan. I just used the restroom. Gahahaha. Okay, so I didn't need to share that fact. Anyway, while traveling, Kuya Robi and Ate Rhose (with the H) continued the usual tour guide blabbering. Okay, we can be mean towards "just kidding" jokes but we laughed anyway. Gahahaha. So the real first stop: the Cave. I can't remember the precise name of the cave but as far as my Hyper Intuitoin can reach, its name is Calinawan Cave. Gahahaha. Just a Hyper Guess. So..... I expected that the cave'll be clean. Like clean as in dry. Therefore, I was completely disappointed the moment I observed that the environment was icky, dirty, muddy and too damn annoyingly slippery. Haha. BTW, this cave is often used as a venue for television soaps and, heck, we even witnessed a shooting for the GMA soap "Darna" starring Marian Rivera. Darn. I didn't see her but my classmates said she was there so I just went with the flow. :P So..... About the cave..... It was too damn slippery and too damn dark! We had difficulty in going down because Cerebro says that one false move can send me to a hospital ward. Anyhoo, I assisted one of my friends, M. Gahahaha. I left 3xa be due to a reason and one reason only: Mr. Yap was already there so no need to bother. I'm not bitter about it, FYI. :P Anyway, Kuya Robi, one of the tour guides, told us to go left (my other classmates went right) 'cause it was the shortcut so we immediately followed. I thought that he really meant short when he said "shortcut" but no...... It was still freakin' tiring and digested around 40% of our TOTAL energy. It was wet. It was slippery. It was annoying. And it was disturbing. But fun. :P So yeah.... There was this part wherein the road was filled with muddy water and Kuya Robi told us that we are indeed required to step on it if we still wanna see the sun. Geeez. We were like "are you serious?!" and "magkakatubig yung socks namin!". So yeah..... The ten-degree Celsius muddy water entered the holes of my shoes and flooded its inside. Geeez. Eventually, we got out and managed to shout out happy words. Sure, our colorful shoes adapted the dull color of brown but, at least, our lungs managed to receive the full freshness of oxygen again. Yay. Next, we trekked another kilometer to reach Daranak Falls. We had this warm-up first. What made me laugh during that part is that my classmate, Yap, said "Warm up?! Hindi pa ba warm up ung paglalakad sa kweba?!". Come to think of it. He IS right. Gahahahaha. So we had our little warm-up and this "Repeat after me" chant. I have to admit they were a bit green.

So.... Um..... Yeah. The falls. Daranak Falls is an incredible work of nature. A few of my classmates can't understand why the water seems to be brown, though. They considered not to dive in because of the murky, muddy water. Like hello? It's not a pool. The current is expected to lift up the soil beneath, thereby producing brown-ish water. I'm 99% sure that it's crystal clear if it weren't for the soil. Gahahahahaha. I try not to be so scientific about stuff but.... Bleaugh! Anyway..... We discovered that the buses were already waiting for us to occupy and take our lunches in them. We thought that they can't go to that area because there were no decent roads! So yeah.... You can imagine. We were like "wth?!" and "Nu ba yan?! Pinag-exercise pa kami ng isang kilometro!". Damn. At least what we did is healthy...... and muddy. So yeah.... We all rushed to eat our lunches because we were so damn excited to let our skin feel the ten-degrees Celsius coldness of the water. And there we went. What exhausted me is this waterslide-like path. Of course, as expected, it was also slippery. I had to thank those bamboo poles that served as handles. So yeah..... Our section (BTW, we renamed it Clareless Whisper) was the first one to reach the site. Yay! It was really cold! It reminds me of Dulangan Falls in Oriental Mindoro...... though I still think that the water in Mindoro's colder. Gahahahaha. I was kinda pissed off because we just stayed there for around 30-45 minutes. I thought we were gonna stay there for 1.5 to 2 hours. So yeah..... I was pissed. Next..... We went back to the bus. Again, I tagged along with one of my friends. We had some sort of buddy system. And 3xa went with her bf. Boy oh boy. I hope she doesn't read this. So we went back to the bus nga to change our clothes. The girls went in first. It took them forever to change. Hyperbole much. Okay. Then we went in. We changed. Kinda hard due to the limited space. At least it was still a success.

Next stop: Home of the Jungle Fighters aka Camp Mateo Capinpin, Home of the Second Infantry Division of the Philippine Army. Okay, the complete title was required. There were soldiers. They had this short film viewing on what a typical soldier does throughout the day. So yeah..... After that, one of the high-ranking soldiers taught us how to survive in the wild by just using bamboo. Next, there was this obstacle course. I didn't bother to go through the tunnel tube thing. I'm tired of dirt. Anyway, the soldiers demonstrated how the other obstacle courses are to be done because no one else volunteered to participate. Probably they also didn't want to get dirty again or they don't wanna risk bones. Anywaaaay, I'm not some first-class kill joy. My classmates and I went to this water-crossing, rope-dependent obstacle course. I chose the three-rope version because the two-rope version was too.....ummm....Well, I think it was beyond my physical capabilities. Gahahahaha. So yeah..... I deliberately made the rope rock so it'd be a bit challenging. Gahahahaha. So yeah..... We thanked the soldiers for assisting us throughout the camp.

After that, we were en route to CSA - Binan. Awwwww...... Gahahaahaha. I felt dizzy for a moment then I slept. When I woke up, I realized that we were already at the stop-over and my classmates started getting off the bus. I decided to stay. Heck, I'm exhausted! Geeez. And to think that my most-expected part of the outbound was the stopover. Ironic. So yeah...... T'was fun. We all thanked our tour guides and Mr. Pilot. Gahaahahaha. Satisfied and exhausted. Oxymoronic yet agreeable.

Let's thank God for protecting us......and letting us have fun! Yay! :P

Let's all conclude that Outbounds are better than just plain fieldtrips, okay? Okay!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

La Plethora.....

Dearest blog reader,

Lemme share to you what transpired this past weekend. My family and I went to Oriental Mindoro to have a three-day vacation. Well, it's nice. Despite my internet-dependent lifestyle, I still survived. Gahahahahaha. Anyway...... We did this rambutan-picking session. Okay, rambutan means lychee in English. Anywaaaay..... We stayed at two different houses in the entirety of our trip. The one was within "town". And the other one is in a remote area. I actually preferred to stay in the remote one since it's more pleasant to sleep there. Gahahahaha. So yeah..... It was fun. My cousin and I played Dissidia: Final Fantasy for five hours straight. We're not THAT addicted. :p So yeah...... The sea was calm. Yay. And I had a pleasantly fine time with my family...... though my tito's vehicle broke down. Tsktsk.

Next.....Hmmmm..... Just an hour ago, my classmate Ellebor asked me about a rather bloggy topic. Okay, according to the GreatDic (the Great Dictionary), bloggy means something that is blogged about often. So yeah...... As usual, I handled this question by asking back mind-twisting questions. Gahahhahaha. I like my mind-twisting questions. So yeah...... Ellebor will most likely read this and ask again.

I'll cut it short muna. I'm eager to watch Hitman Reborn again. Gahahahahaha.

-suezo94 the Great-

"Within the truth lies lies and within lies lies the truth. That is the mist."
-Mukuro Rokudo, Vongola Mist Guardian, Hitman Reborn


Okay, I think I'm a bit addicted to Hitman Reborn.